Hey y'all.
-Christmas is officially two days away and I can honestly say that it has literally snuck up on me. December has gone by way too fast, kind of like everything else this year. But I'm trying to enjoy it while I can. Brenton and I already celebrated our Christmas together, and it was perfect.
-For those of you who are keeping up with my life, I still have no idea where I'm going to college. However, at the moment, I am leaning towards UTA. Mainly because if I were to sit down and make a list of pros and cons on each college, UTA would definitely win the war. But who knows? I sure don't.
-As most of you know, this year has been rough for the girl's basketball program. 4 of our best players out with injuries. 2 of which are definitely out for the season. I am the only senior, there is only 1 junior, and the rest are underclassmen. There are only 11 active players in the program. To say that it has been, and will be, a tough year is a colossal understatement.
-Still on the note of basketball, all I can focus on is the fact that my last season is already 2/3 of the way over.
-On a heavier note, it's almost impossible to get on facebook lately without seeing news about the death of a young person. Now, being the sensitive person that I am, I hate the constant reminders that life is short and that it can be taken from you when you least expect it. But, on the other hand, I'm learning more and more everyday to appreciate the people that surround me. I'm blessed beyond belief and I take advantage of this fact on a daily basis.
-Subject Change. I need a job.
-With Christmas comes the New Year. It's hard to believe that another year has gone by. 2012 will bring so many things, but we can talk about that later.
"In a world that gets lost in making plans, just be my woman and I will be your man."