I'm Shiloh: lover of sunshine, Texas, conversation, and Italian food. I enjoy wasting my time admiring the beauty of everyday life, and I'm a master of being responsibly irresponsible.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Hey y'all.

Valentine's day was this past week and it was fabulous. I've always loved Valentine's day, even when I was single. In fact, my only problem with Valentine's day is the people who claim that they hate the holiday only because they are single. Valentine's day is a day of love. Not necessarily romantic love. Just love. There are so many people around you that love you, that would love to spend the holiday with all the people who complain about not having a "significant other." On top of all of that, everyone complaining just really ruins it for everyone else. So don't complain about a holiday that you believe that you can't participate in because you're not in a relationship for whatever reason.

Anyways, earlier today, I went to New Employee Orientation for Brookshires. I'm not necessarily excited about working, but I am excited about having something to fill my time that will also bring in some extra cash.

Also, the Hunger Games movie is coming out soon!!
So. Excited.

-There is reason behind everything. For example, there is a reason that I cannot listen to much Texas Country without getting sick to my stomach, and there is a reason that I have trouble with just trusting people, and there is a reason that no matter what happens, I will never be comfortable with what has happened with you. Our actions always have consequences and these consequences become the reason behind the way we must live our lives. You are no exception to this. You made the choices that you did and you know where they got you. You don't need my reminder, or anybody else's for that matter. I will always talk to you but it will never go beyond me. Don't think that I don't know.
There are some lines that will not be crossed.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Welcome to existence.

Hey y'all. It has been almost a month since you have last heard from me and I apologize, but things have been busy.
But despite the busy-ness and my lack of posting, I really have nothing to say.
It's like I've been in a long car ride, sitting in the passenger seat, sleeping through the whole thing. Before you know it, the car ride is over and even though you've come so far, you can't really remember any of it. I'm not sure if that it is a good comparison, but it works for me.
Tomorrow is my last basketball game. Ever. I'm not prepared for the days that it will not consume my time.

“I don't want to lose you."
His voice almost a whisper.

Seeing his haggard expression, she took his hand and squeezed it, then reluctantly let it go. She could feel the tears again, and she fought them back.

"But you don't want to keep me, either, do you?"

To that, he had no response.