I'm Shiloh: lover of sunshine, Texas, conversation, and Italian food. I enjoy wasting my time admiring the beauty of everyday life, and I'm a master of being responsibly irresponsible.

Monday, March 26, 2012

You ain't woman enough.

"Being tender and open is beautiful. As a woman, I feel continually shhh'ed. Too sensitive. Too mushy. Too wishy washy. Blah blah. Don't let someone steal your tenderness. Don't allow the coldness and fears of others to tarnish your perfectly vulnerable beating heart. Nothing is more powerful than allowing yourself to truly be affected by things. Whether it's a song, a stranger, a mountain, a rain drop, a tea kettle, and article, sentence, a footstep, feel it all- look around you. All of this is for you. Take it and have gratitude. Give it and feel love."
-Zooey Deschanel

Once again, I have managed to find another list of things to write about and like always, I highly doubt that I will make it through the whole list.. Whatever.
So #1 is a list of 20 facts about yourself. Great.

1- Contrary to popular belief, I love people. Anyone that knows me always hears me say "I hate people", but I am usually talking about people that I know that I do not like for some reason. So despite what you think, Shiloh does not hate humanity.

2- I love my highly dysfunctional family. I've been blessed with a family that is always there for me, despite our differences.

3- I am a very proud Texan. I mean, who wouldn't want to be from the greatest state ever?

4- I don't eat brown m&m's.

5- I love animals, but I also understand the idea of the "circle of life". I eat meat, my dad hunts, but I will stop highway traffic to help a turtle cross the road.

6- I love food, like seriously. I love eating at new places and trying new things. If you want to be my best friend, take me somewhere with good food.

7- I love to read.

8- I've never broken a bone, but I've had two eye surgeries, my tonsils removed, my adenoids removed, and I had to get stitches when my adventurous bike ride turned into a busted open elbow.

9- I am extremely emotional and sensitive. I feel things more deeply than the average person. I get mad when people don't handle things the right way, I cry when I'm happy and when I'm sad, and it seems that I'm always smiling/laughing. Not only am I constantly on an emotional roller coaster, I am terrible at hiding whatever it is that I'm feeling. You will know if I am upset, or pissed off at you. Sure, it gets me in trouble a lot, but I really wouldn't want it any other way.

10- I communicate through other people's words. I use good lyrics and quotes to express how I feel, because I suck at expressing anything in my own words.

11- I hold a grudge like it's an art, but I'm in love with second chances. There's a point of no return with me, and if you go past it, you will never be forgiven.

12- I want approximately seven tattoos. Judge me.

13- My first love in life was singing. I used to sing karaoke for all the drunks in the bars, and for all my friends in every single talent show. Now, I'm too insecure to even sing in front of my closest friends.

14- Basketball took the place of singing when I got into middle school. Picking up a basketball was the best decision I ever made and not a day goes by that I don't miss stepping onto the court everyday.

15- I love school, and I will always regret not trying as hard as I should have my first year of high school. I went from being third in the class to not even being in the top 10%. It is something that I will never be okay with.

16- Bitterness is my worst trait.

17- I remember almost every little insignificant thing that has ever been said to me. Every insult, compliment, lie, goodbye, whatever, I remember it. However, I always seem to forget the important stuff..

18- I hate spiders. 8 legs of terrifying. June bugs suck too.

19- I am planning on attending Texas State in the fall... I think.

20- I really don't like even numbers..

1 comment:

  1. Your writing has improved a bazillion-fold. This had me chucking from beginning to end... and I'm proud to say I knew almost every one of those things and agree 100 %. I especially love #5
