I've been very busy and I actually have stuff to be doing right now, but I've decided I owe you faithful readers something to read.
I also realize that I have not been keeping up with my photo challenge, and I apologize, but bear with me people!
Day 5-
A picture that makes you smile.

Now, I have a TON of pictures that make me smile/laugh. But I just picked this one because every time I'm with these two ladies, I have the best time. The beautiful woman on the left is my mother, who is one of the strongest people I know and I admire everything about her, even though she is not perfect. The beautiful woman on the right is my aunt, who inspires me everyday to be the best person I can be. She knows exactly who she is and to me, that's all a person can ever really ask for. These two women are the women that I look up to on a daily basis, and they never let me down.
This has been a very busy week, to say the least.
We've played 5 games of basketball in 48 hours... Gotta love it.
Part one of our last dual credit history exam was today.. Thank the Lord.
Today was practically Friday, cause tomorrow is six flags!... Yay.
-It seems like everything has become more difficult lately.. From getting out of bed to picking up a basketball. I've been very tired lately and I don't really know what to do about it. I'm getting the same amount of sleep I've been getting all year, and this isn't even the most stress I've been under this year.. and I'm the most exhausted I've ever been. I guess it doesn't help that it's SO close to the end of the year.. I'm just ready for summer, for the first time ever.
22 days until the last day, then I'm a senior. Eep.
-I guess some people are always changing and some people never do. I can't decide which one I prefer..
-This weekend will be full of homework. Then Monday is the academic banquet.. What in the world could I possibly get an award for? Oh well, Brenton's going to suffer with me through what is famous for being the most boring night of the school year. Love that guy.
-Some people I will never understand. Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever EVER.
-While I might complain a lot, life is good. I constantly have to remind myself how blessed I am.
Goodnight y'all!
Guess who's not working Monday and will therefore be at the banquet looking for a table!