Day 1-Discuss your current relationship status and how it is.
As most of you know, I am in a relationship with the one and only Brenton Lee. And I guess this is the part where I tell you how everything is perfect and beautiful and always has been. Yeah, well life is never easy, and like most relationships, it took a little while for everything to fall into the perfection that we have now. I met Brenton when I was a freshman and he was a senior. Yeah, Yeah, I know. We started out as two people with a ridiculous amount of stuff in common and a noticeable age difference. Best Friends- that's what we were. Of course, being the typical girl that I was, I "fell" for my best friend. And him, being the typical guy that he was, was not interested at all in a relationship. After about three months of being friends he got into a relationship that never mattered and after that was over, we both realized where we belong. A part of me knew all along that we belonged together, but I respected the fact that he was in a relationship because I knew that whatever happened could only be guaranteed by doing the right thing. Our past is a large part of us, mainly because that's when we found each other, but we don't dwell on it.
I know I sound like every other girls when I sit here and talk about how awesome our relationship is, but hey, what can I say? It is awesome. We fit together in a way that most people dream about. We've found what most people spend their lives looking for. Call me crazy, but this is how I view our relationship.
It wasn't easy, but we got to where we needed to be.
"When you wake up, I'll be the first thing you see. And when it gets dark, you can reach out for me. I'll cherish your words and I'll finish your thoughts. And I'll be your compass baby, when you get lost."
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