I know, once again, that it has been awhile. So here we go.
-I'm looking at colleges everyday. Everyday it gets easier to accept that in about a year, I will be getting ready to go off to some new place and walk into a new world. I've taken my SAT twice, and I plan on taking it one more time to see if I can get to where I want to be. Sarah and I are planning on visiting a few colleges over the summer like UTA, Tarleton, and TCU. While my family is on vacation, Brenton and I might drive up to Texas State and check it out. So much stuff is happening right now that are going to majorly affect my in the future, and surprisingly, I'm more excited than nervous.
-Watching Toddlers and Tiaras makes me not want to have kids.... ever.
"I do remember,
The swing of your step,
The life of the party, you're showing off again.
And I roll my eyes and then,
You pull me in.
I'm not much for dancing,
But for you I did.
Because I love your handshake, meeting my father.
I love how you walk with your hands in your pockets.
How you kissed me when I was in the middle of saying something,
There's not a day when I don't miss those rude interruptions."
-I'm not a fan of Taylor Swift, but this song is pretty and sad. And I like pretty and sad songs.
-I just need to know that I make you happy. I'm a bitter, negative person and while I'm not proud of those traits, I know they affect you. I try my best to get rid of all the stupid feelings I have about everything else when I'm with you, because I know they don't matter.
-I'm so ready for school to start. And it's not necessarily because I hate summer, I just love school. I love getting up every morning and seeing the same people and getting homework and laughing and crying and getting in fights and just being happy. School is a constant and it's a safe place for me. I'm going to miss it.
-Fourth of July weekend was nice. 3 days spent with the most beautiful family in the world and the best boyfriend in the world. Such a lovely life.
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