Well.. I feel like all of my posts are about this, but I guess I'll just write about it again!
I guess I'll make a timeline, or something like that.
January, 2009
-Freshman year, I was weird and awkward and had absolutely no self confidence. I played basketball and that was probably the only way that Brenton Lee knew who I was. He was one of those guys that was always being talked about and to be totally honest, I had no interest what-so-ever in getting to know him. Well, as fate would have it, through one of my friends, we communicated for the first time on January 17Th. That night, he called me and we stayed on the phone for 5 hours. Every single night ended with a phone call that lasted until about 2 in the morning and every single morning began with a "good morning beautiful" text. Needless to say, I was in for way more than I bargained for.
February, 2009
-February 6Th, to be exact. After talking to each other for almost a month, we finally had a conversation, face to face. It was homecoming day and he picked me up from the school dance and took me home. He met my parents and all that jazz and of course, I got my first kiss. He had told me that he was going to and I didn't believe him. I knew that when he met me he would run away after discovering how awkward I was, but he didn't. My head was in the clouds.
April, 2009
-Somewhere between February and April, I fell in love. Yeah, I know what you're thinking and just shut up(!), I loved him then and I still do. Of course with most first loves comes a first heartbreak and mine came on April 17, but whatever. He changed his mind momentarily and I can't hold that against him.
August, 2009>-Brenton finally realized where he wanted to be and knowing me, I was waiting for him when he came back for me. I don't give up easily, and I couldn't be happier that I didn't give up on him.
September, 2010
-We waited awhile to start dating, because as most of you know, there is a slight age difference.. But I know that deep down, that doesn't matter. Labels are nothing compared to the fact that I get to be with the person that I love most.
August, 2011
-It's almost been a year and things are as good as ever. I love everything about our relationship and even though it was a rough road, I wouldn't change a single thing.
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