I'm Shiloh: lover of sunshine, Texas, conversation, and Italian food. I enjoy wasting my time admiring the beauty of everyday life, and I'm a master of being responsibly irresponsible.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Storm Warning.

Hey y'all. Today was the first day of my senior year. It was good, but I can tell it's going to be a difficult year. Mainly because I don't want it to end and I will be devastated when it does.

-As most of you know, we have a new principal this year. And yes, she did make new rules. The main ones are:
1)When the tardy bell rings the door to every classroom will be locked and to get into the classroom, a student must go to the office and get a tardy slip.
2)If a student gets their phone taken up, their parent or guardian must go to the school and retrieve it.
3)No food during class.

I've heard people complaining all day and I have a really simple way to solve their problems!
Get to class before the bell rings(!) and don't have your phone out(!). Both of which the teachers have been telling us since we were old enough to have 7 classes a day and cell phones..

I know it's upsetting a lot of students and all I can say is that if you do what you're supposed to, it could be a good year. Your complaining and whining is going to make it worse for everyone, including yourself. Just do what you have to do and get it over with. There is no way around it.

On another note, the seniors found out today that we will be able to paint our parking spots this year! We're the first class to do so and I think it's really cool.

Song of the day: The Sound Of Sunshine by Michael Franti & Spearhead
"They say that miracles are never ceasing, and every single soul needs a little releasing."

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