I've also decided to do this here so that I can be more descriptive, because I know that if you read this, you must care about my thoughts.
So here we go!
Day 1-
A picture of yourself with 15 facts.

1- I am Shiloh Jenkins, duh.
2- I am junior at the school I've been going to my whole life. This is one thing I appreciate about the location of my life, I've been going to school with the same 50-60 kids my whole life. I feel safe at school, because I grew up with the kids I'm surrounded by.
3- My family is very important to me. We go through a lot of stuff for each other, but at the end of the day, we love each other like crazy.
4- I'm an only child, and I love it. When I was younger, I used to always want a sibling, but as I've grown up, I realize that being an only child has made me independent and strong. However, it has it's downsides too. I've never been good at opening up to people. I'm not socially awkward, but I am very kept to myself. I love to be alone.
5- I feel the love of God on a regular basis, even though I rarely go to church. I'm not very loud about my relationship with God, and I don't really know why. I believe that God understands why I am the way I am, even when I don't. I believe that he gives me the strength to overcome everything that comes my way, but I usually forget to thank him for it.
6- I love music.. No. Really. People say this all the time, and it bothers me. There are only a few people that I know of that truly love music. I grew up around it and it is apart of me. I'm happiest when music is playing around me. Music has the power to take me completely out of my world and take me wherever it wants to. I associate music with every person and situation that I've ever encountered.
7- On a musical note (no pun intended), my first love was singing. When I was younger, I could get up in front of a crowd of adults and feel right at home with a microphone in my hand. I loved the way it felt right before I got on stage and how when you look out and see all those people giving you all their attention, all the butterflies go away. I know I could never do that again, but I love thinking about the kid I used to be.
8- At the moment, I want 8 tattoos. Think what you want, I don't really care.
9- I am naturally blond, and I am constantly switching back and forth between blond and brunette. Just another way to keep life from getting too boring.
10- I love food. I love trying new food and being surprised by how much I like it. I love how a plate of good food can make your day so much better. I also enjoy the conversations that take place a the dinner table. People connect when food is around, and it's always something I've loved. This probably sounds ridiculous to you.
11- I'm the kind of person that knows what I want, and I usually won't quit until I get it. And then once I get it, I don't give it up easily.
12- I'm very protective of my friends, even when they don't deserve it. I take it personally when one my friends do something stupid, even when I've reminded them over and over again that nothing good could come out of it. And when they don't listen, I feel like I didn't do everything I could to help them.
13- I love big people. While I'm a very protective person, I love the feeling of being protected.
14- I'm very insecure. In every way possible. I can't explain to you how much I worry about every little thing that has to do with me.
15- Last but not least, I'm a very complicated person. I used to deny this fact, because I wanted so badly to be someone that a person could describe as "simple". But I've come to terms with the fact that I am one of those people that is hard to get a long with, for numerous reasons.
First, awesome pic. Your eyes are beautiful.
ReplyDeleteSecond, 100 days of facts about you???? That gets us almost to the start of your senior year!!! Wow! LOL