A picture of you and someone that you've been close to for awhile.
(I couldn't just choose one.)

Okay, so obviously I have two pictures here. Both of which I'm sure come as no surprise to you.
The first one is Blair, Sarah, and me. While we haven't been friends for more than a few years, I consider them my best friends. They walked into my life when all my other friends decided they wanted to leave. I'm a loner, and when high school came around, I went into a shell, and I was happy that way. But when I became friends with Sarah, she became one of the most important people in my life. She was easy to talk to and we understand each other very well. Now Blair and I have been friends for a long time, but we've never been as close as we are now. I can trust her with anything and she always knows how to make me smile. Both of these girls are my rays of sunshine and I can honestly say that I would be lost without them.
And of course, the second picture is of Brenton and me. There are so many things I could say about this guy, but I'll try to keep it short. From the very beginning, there was a connection, and it was a strong one. I was a freshman and he was a senior and neither of us had any idea where we were headed. Even though things weren't always perfect, we've found the place where we belong- with each other. He is my best friend and he is the person I go to when everything seems to be falling apart. We balance each other perfectly and when I'm with him, I'm home. He is my rock, my world, my everything. I know I'm only 17, and you probably think it's dumb to be so young and so in love, but no matter what you think, we know who we are and what we have.
Thanks for sharing a little sunshine!