This is my cousin, who absolutely owns my heart. I'm so lucky to be able to watch her grow and be apart of the person she becomes.
"A lovestruck Romeo sings a streetsus serenade
Layin' everybody low
With a love song that he made
Finds a street light
Steps out of the shade
And says something like
You and me babe, how about it?"
Sorry, it's been a few days... But I'm back!
School is almost out and honestly, the past few days haven't been that stressful. Life is good.
I was talking to someone today and they basically said, "I don't know why Brenton loves you, you're so mouthy..."
After deciding that mouthy was not a good word.. We discussed it for a second.
And I realized that I may be "mouthy", but I'm proud of it. I like the fact that I say what's on my mind most of the time and I have a sarcastic sense of humor (even though some people see that as a negative thing..). But I would like to thank the
person who pointed this out, while they might have been trying to degrade me (like always), I'll take that as a compliment.
Oh, and FYI, the fact that I am mouthy changes nothing about the fact that Brenton DOES love me.. Thank you very much.
I wore a nice, floral shirt today and I got told that it didn't really match the person I am at school. The exact words were something like this..."at school you have this whole 'I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROAR' thing going on and when you're at home you have the 'i'm such a girl and I love to wear dresses' thing, and today, you've met in the middle."
Uh, thanks? I think...
Anyways, today was a good day.
Goodnight y'all.
Wow. You took both those convos and turned them around so it looks like your "friend" is a horribly rude person trying to put u down! You know that's not the case!!!! Geez, woman!